Sunday, April 25, 2010

Life oh life!

Sometimes, I question if all these work are worth the time I put in? It seems like life has gotten pretty's either classes, homework, presentations, tests, or work every single day. AND yes, by every day I do mean the weekends too. It's making me exhausted! What happened to the life that was supposed to be joyful and awesome when people are young?

At 20 years old..i'm already feeling like a bunny that can't find a carrot. Wth. I have no idea where that came from. I'm just writing as the thought flows. So, please bear with me. I wish I can just throw AWAY the backpack filled with assignments, test grades and burdens, and RUNAWAY and live a carefree life. Yeah, like abandoning the rest of the world and move to live in the mountains of some foreign land or a tree house or whatever. Anything is better than the four-walls in the room or library. hmmm mmm it is wishful thinking. But I guess there's no harm in letting your imagination run.

OKAY enough of these. Why am I ranting here anywayy..gotta get things done. and get out here for some fun.It's no fun being gloomy! Ciao peeps. Sorry for the pessimistic post! Sending the love to you guys in australia and malaysia! Take care.


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